Команда |
Значение |
Тип |
Описание |
r_3dnow | cmd | | |
r_3dsky | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_ambientlightingonly | 0 | , "cheat" | Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting). |
r_aspectratio | 0 | , "a", "cheat" | |
r_avglight | 1 | | |
r_avglightmap | 0 | | |
r_cheapwaterend | cmd | | |
r_cheapwaterstart | cmd | | |
r_cleardecals | cmd | | Usage r_cleardecals . |
r_ClipAreaPortals | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_colorstaticprops | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_debugcheapwater | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_debugrandomstaticlighting | 0 | , "cheat" | Set to 1 to make all static lighting red for debugging.Must restart for change to take affect. |
r_decal_cullsize | 1 | | Decals under this size in pixels are culled |
r_decals | 2048 | | |
r_decalstaticprops | 1 | | Decal static props test |
r_DispBuildable | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_DispDrawAxes | 0 | | |
r_DispEnableLOD | 0 | | |
r_DispFullRadius | 400 | | Radius within which a displacement will stay at its highest LOD |
r_DispLockLOD | 0 | | |
r_DispRadius | 500 | | |
r_DispSetLOD | 0 | | |
r_DispTolerance | 5 | | |
r_DispUpdateAll | 0 | | |
r_DispUseStaticMeshes | 1 | , "cheat" | High end machines use static meshes. Low end machines use temp meshes. |
r_DispWalkable | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_DoCovertTransitions | 1 | , "numeric", "cl" | |
r_dopixelvisibility | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_drawbatchdecals | 1 | | Render decals batched. |
r_DrawBeams | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawbrushmodels | 1 | , "cheat" | Render brush models. |
r_drawclipbrushes | 0 | , "cheat" | Draw clip brushes |
r_drawdecals | 1 | | Render decals. |
r_drawdetailprops | 1 | , "matsys" | |
r_DrawDisp | 1 | , "cheat" | Toggles rendering of displacment maps |
r_drawentities | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawflecks | 1 | , "matsys" | |
r_drawfullskybox | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawleaf | -1 | , "cheat" | Draw the specified leaf. |
r_drawlightcache | 0 | , "cheat" | 0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays |
r_drawlightinfo | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawlights | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawmodeldecals | 1 | | |
r_DrawModelLightOrigin | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance | 500 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax | 1 | , "a" | time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2 |
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin | 0 | , "a" | time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2 |
r_drawopaquerenderables | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawopaqueworld | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawothermodels | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawparticles | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable/disable particle rendering |
r_drawpixelvisibility | 0 | , "cl" | Show the occlusion proxies |
r_DrawPortals | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_DrawRain | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable/disable rain rendering. |
r_drawrenderboxes | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawropes | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_drawskybox | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp | -1 | | |
r_drawsprites | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawstaticprops | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawtranslucentrenderables | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawtranslucentworld | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_drawvgui | 1 | | Enable the rendering of vgui panels |
r_drawviewmodel | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_drawworld | 1 | , "cheat" | Render the world. |
r_dynamic | 1 | | |
r_eyeglintlodpixels | 20 | | The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint.Is a floating point value. |
r_eyegloss | 1 | , "a" | |
r_eyemove | 1 | , "a" | |
r_eyes | 1 | | |
r_eyeshift_x | 0 | , "a" | |
r_eyeshift_y | 0 | , "a" | |
r_eyeshift_z | 0 | , "a" | |
r_eyesize | 0 | , "a" | |
r_eyewaterepsilon | 7 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_farz | -1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller. |
r_fastzreject | 1 | | Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings |
r_flashlightconstant | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightdrawfrustum | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox | 0 | | |
r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox | 0 | | |
r_flashlightfar | 750 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightfov | 45 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightlinear | 100 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightlockposition | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightmodels | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightnear | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightnodraw | 0 | | |
r_flashlightoffsetx | 10 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightoffsety | -20 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightoffsetz | 24 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightquadratic | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_flashlightvisualizetrace | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_flex | 1 | | |
r_flushlod | cmd | | Flush and reload LODs. |
r_ForceRestore | 0 | | |
r_ForceWaterLeaf | 1 | , "cl" | Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling |
r_frustumcullworld | 1 | | |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10 | , "sv", "cheat", "nf", "rep" | |
r_lightaverage | 1 | | Activates/deactivate light averaging |
r_lightcache_numambientsamples | 162 | | number of random directions to fire rays when computing ambient lighting |
r_lightcachecenter | 1 | , "cheat" | |
r_lightinterp | 5 | | Controls the speed of light interpolation, 0 turns off interpolation |
r_lightmap | -1 | | |
r_lightstyle | -1 | | |
r_lockpvs | 0 | , "cheat" | Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn. |
r_lod | -1 | | |
r_lod_noupdate | 0 | | |
r_mapextents | 16384 | , "cheat", "cl" | Set the max dimension for the map.This determines the far clipping plane |
r_maxdlights | 32 | | |
r_maxmodeldecal | 50 | | |
r_maxnewsamples | 6 | | |
r_maxsampledist | 128 | | |
r_minnewsamples | 3 | | |
r_mmx | cmd | | |
r_modellodscale | 1 | , "studio" | 1.0 is the default, set to a lower value (ie 0.5) to tend towards simpler models |
r_modelwireframedecal | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_newflashlight | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_newproplighting | 0 | | |
r_nohw | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_norefresh | 0 | | |
r_nosw | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_novis | 0 | , "cheat" | Turn off the PVS. |
r_occludeemaxarea | 0 | | Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use. |
r_occluderminarea | 0 | | Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use. |
r_occludermincount | 0 | | At least this many occluders will be used, no matter how big they are. |
r_occlusion | 1 | | Activate/deactivate the occlusion system. |
r_occlusionspew | 0 | | Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing. |
r_overlaywireframe | 0 | | |
r_PhysPropStaticLighting | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_pixelvis_partial | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_portalscloseall | 0 | | |
r_portalsopenall | 0 | | |
r_PortalTestEnts | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Clip entities against portal frustums. |
r_printdecalinfo | cmd | | |
r_propsmaxdist | 1200 | , "cl" | Maximum visible distance |
r_radiosity | 4 | | 0: no radiosity 1: radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples) 2: radiosity with 162 samples 3: 162 samples for static props, 6 samples for everything else |
r_rainalpha | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_rainalphapow | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_raindensity | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_RainHack | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_rainlength | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_RainProfile | 0 | , "cl" | Enable/disable rain profiling. |
r_RainRadius | 1500 | , "cl" | |
r_RainSideVel | 130 | , "cl" | How much sideways velocity rain gets. |
r_RainSimulate | 1 | , "cl" | Enable/disable rain simulation. |
r_rainspeed | 600 | , "cl" | |
r_RainSplashPercentage | 20 | , "cl" | |
r_rainwidth | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_renderoverlayfragment | 1 | | |
r_rootlod | 0 | | Root LOD |
r_ropebatch | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_ropetranslucent | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_screenfademaxsize | 0 | , "matsys" | |
r_screenfademinsize | 0 | , "matsys" | |
r_screenoverlay | cmd | | |
r_sequence_debug | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_shadowangles | cmd | | Set shadow angles |
r_shadowblobbycutoff | cmd | | some shadow stuff |
r_shadowcolor | cmd | | Set shadow color |
r_shadowdir | cmd | | Set shadow direction |
r_shadowdist | cmd | | Set shadow distance |
r_shadowids | 0 | | |
r_shadowmaxrendered | 32 | , "cl" | |
r_shadowpvs | 0 | | |
r_shadowrendertotexture | 1 | | |
r_shadows | 1 | | |
r_shadowwireframe | 0 | | |
r_showenvcubemap | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_skin | 0 | | |
r_skybox | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable the rendering of sky boxes |
r_snapportal | -1 | | |
r_sse | cmd | | |
r_sse2 | cmd | | |
r_staticpropinfo | 0 | | |
r_teeth | 1 | | |
r_TransitionSensitivity | 6 | , "cl" | Controls when LODs are changed. Lower numbers cause more overt LOD transitions. |
r_updaterefracttexture | 1 | , "cl" | |
r_vehicleBrakeRate | 1 | , "sv", "cheat" | |
r_vehicleDrawDebug | 0 | , "sv", "cheat" | |
r_VehicleViewClamp | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 0 | , "matsys" | |
r_visocclusion | 0 | | Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing. |
r_visualizelighttraces | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_visualizeproplightcaching | 0 | , "cl" | |
r_visualizetraces | 0 | , "cheat" | |
r_WaterDrawReflection | 1 | , "cl" | Enable water reflection |
r_WaterDrawRefraction | 1 | , "cl" | Enable water refraction |
r_waterforceexpensive | 1 | | |
r_waterforcereflectentities | 1 | | |
r_worldlightmin | 0 | | |
r_worldlights | 2 | | number of world lights to use per vertex |
rate | 25000 | , "user" | Max bytes/sec the host can receive data |
rcon | cmd | | Issue an rcon command. |
rcon_address | 0 | | Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p) |
rcon_password | 0 | | remote console password. |
rebuy | cmd | | |
recompute_speed | cmd | | Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes). |
record | cmd | | Record a demo. |
reload | cmd | | Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload). |
removeid | cmd | | Remove a user ID from the ban list. |
removeip | cmd | | Remove an IP address from the ban list. |
replaydelay | 0 | , "sv" | |
report_entities | cmd | | Lists all entities |
report_simthinklist | cmd | | Lists all simulating/thinking entities |
report_soundpatch | cmd | | reports sound patch count |
report_soundpatch | cmd | | reports sound patch count |
report_touchlinks | cmd | | Lists all touchlinks |
restart | cmd | | Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart). |
retry | cmd | | Retry connection to last server. |
revert | cmd | | Revert convars to their default values. |
room_type | 0 | , "demo" | |
rope_averagelight | 1 | , "cl" | Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity. |
rope_collide | 1 | , "cl" | Collide rope with the world |
rope_drawlines | 0 | , "cl" | |
rope_shake | 0 | , "cl" | |
rope_smooth | 1 | , "cl" | Do an antialiasing effect on ropes |
rope_smooth_enlarge | 1 | , "cl" | How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect |
rope_smooth_maxalpha | 0 | , "cl" | Alpha for rope antialiasing effect |
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth | 1 | , "cl" | |
rope_smooth_minalpha | 0 | , "cl" | Alpha for rope antialiasing effect |
rope_smooth_minwidth | 0 | , "cl" | When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to |
rope_subdiv | 2 | , "cl" | Rope subdivision amount |
rope_wind_dist | 1000 | , "cl" | Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance. |