Команда | Значение | Тип | Описание |
c_maxdistance | 200 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_maxpitch | 90 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_maxyaw | 135 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_mindistance | 30 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_minpitch | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_minyaw | -135 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_orthoheight | 100 | , "a", "cl" | |
c_orthowidth | 100 | , "a", "cl" | |
cache_print | cmd | Print out contents of cache memory. | |
cam_command | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cam_idealdist | 64 | , "a", "cl" | |
cam_idealpitch | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cam_idealyaw | 90 | , "a", "cl" | |
cam_snapto | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
camortho | cmd | Switch to orthographic camera. | |
cancelselect | cmd | ||
cast_hull | cmd | Tests hull collision detection | |
cast_ray | cmd | Tests collision detection | |
cc_captiontrace | 1 | , "cl" | Show missing closecaptions (0 = no, 1 = devconsole, 2 = show in hud) |
cc_emit | cmd | Emits a closed caption | |
cc_lang | 0 | , "a", "cl" | Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language) |
cc_linger_time | 1 | , "a", "cl" | Close caption linger time. |
cc_lookup_crc | cmd | For tracking down missing CC token strings | |
cc_predisplay_time | 0 | , "a", "cl" | Close caption delay before showing caption. |
cc_sentencecaptionnorepeat | 4 | , "cl" | How often a sentence can repeat. |
cc_subtitles | 0 | , "a", "cl" | If set, don't show sound effect captions, just voice overs (i.e., won't help hearing impaired players). |
cd | cmd | Play or stop a cd track. | |
centerview | cmd | ||
ch_createairboat | cmd | Spawn airboat in front of the player. | |
ch_createjeep | cmd | Spawn jeep in front of the player. | |
changelevel | cmd | Change server to the specified map | |
changelevel2 | cmd | Transition to the specified map in single player | |
chooseteam | cmd | Choose a new team | |
cl_allowdownload | 1 | , "a" | Client downloads customization files |
cl_allowupload | 1 | , "a" | Client uploads customization files |
cl_anglespeedkey | 0 | , "cl" | |
cl_animationinfo | cmd | Hud element to examine. | |
cl_autohelp | 0 | , "a", "user", "cl" | Auto-help |
cl_autowepswitch | 1 | , "a", "user", "cl" | Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) |
cl_backspeed | 400 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_bob | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_bobcycle | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_bobup | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_c4dynamiclight | 0 | , "cl" | Draw dynamic light when planted c4 flashes |
cl_c4progressbar | 1 | , "cl" | Draw progress bar when defusing the C4 |
cl_class | 0 | , "a", "user", "cl" | Default class when joining a game |
cl_clock_correction | 1 | , "cheat" | Enable/disable clock correction on the client. |
cl_clock_correction_ adjustment_max_amount |
200 | , "cheat" | Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount if the difference between the client and server clock is equal to or larger than cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset. |
cl_clock_correction_ adjustment_max_offset |
90 | , "cheat" | As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards applying cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount of adjustment. That way, the response is small when the offset is small. |
cl_clock_correction_ adjustment_min_offset |
10 | , "cheat" | If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied. |
cl_clock_correction_ force_server_tick |
999 | , "cheat" | Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it). |
cl_clock_showdebuginfo | 0 | , "cheat" | Show debugging info about the clock drift. |
cl_clockdrift_max_ms | 150 | , "cheat" | Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's. |
cl_cmdbackup | 2 | , "a" | For each command packet, how many additional history commands are sent ( helps in case of packet loss ) |
cl_cmdrate | 30 | , "a", "user" | Max number of command packets sent to server per second |
cl_crosshairalpha | 200 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_crosshaircolor | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_crosshairscale | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_crosshairusealpha | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_customsounds | 0 | , "cl" | Enable customized player sound playback |
cl_demoviewoverride | 0 | , "cl" | Override view during demo playback |
cl_detaildist | 1200 | , "matsys" | |
cl_detailfade | 400 | , "matsys" | |
cl_drawhud | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable the rendering of the hud |
cl_drawleaf | -1 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_drawmaterial | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | Draw a particular material over the frame |
cl_drawmonitors | 1 | , "cl" | |
cl_drawshadowtexture | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_dynamiccrosshair | 1 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_ejectbrass | 1 | , "matsys" | |
cl_ent_absbox | cmd | Displays the client's absbox for the entity under the crosshair. | |
cl_ent_bbox | cmd | Displays the client's bounding box for the entity under the crosshair. | |
cl_ent_rbox | cmd | Displays the client's render box for the entity under the crosshair. | |
cl_entityreport | 0 | , "cheat" | For debugging, draw entity states to console |
cl_extrapolate | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out. |
cl_extrapolate_amount | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for. |
cl_flushentitypacket | 0 | , "cheat" | For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet. |
cl_forcehighendmonitors | 1 | , "cl" | |
cl_forcepreload | 0 | , "a" | Whether we should force preloading. |
cl_forwardspeed | 400 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_fullupdate | cmd | Forces the server to send a full update packet | |
cl_idealpitchscale | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_ignorepackets | 0 | , "cheat" | Force client to ignore packets (for debugging). |
cl_interp | 0 | , "user", "cl" | Interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past |
cl_interp_npcs | 0 | , "user", "cl" | Interpolate NPC positions starting this many seconds in past (or cl_interp, if greater) |
cl_interpolate | 1 | , "cl" | Interpolate entities on the client. |
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck | 0 | , "cl" | Player index of other player to check for position errors. |
cl_lagcompensation | 1 | , "user", "cl" | Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. |
cl_left_hand_ik | 0 | , "cl" | Attach player's left hand to rifle with IK. |
cl_leveloverview | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_localnetworkbackdoor | 1 | Enable network optimizations for single player games. | |
cl_logofile | 0 | , "a" | Spraypoint logo decal. |
cl_low_violence | 0 | , "cl" | |
cl_maxrenderable_dist | 3000 | , "cheat", "cl" | Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered |
cl_mouseenable | 1 | , "cl" | |
cl_observercrosshair | 1 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_overdraw_test | 0 | , "cheat", "numeric", "cl" | |
cl_panelanimation | cmd | Shows panel animation variables: | |
cl_particleeffect_aabb_buffer | 2 | , "cheat", "cl" | Add this amount to a particle effect's bbox in the leaf system so if it's growing slowly, it won't have to be reinserted as often. |
cl_pclass | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | Dump entity by prediction classname. |
cl_pdump | -1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Dump info about this entity to screen. |
cl_phys_props_enable | 1 | , "cl" | Disable clientside physics props (must be set before loading a level). |
cl_phys_props_max | 300 | , "cl" | Maximum clientside physic props |
cl_phys_timescale | 1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls) |
cl_pitchdown | 89 | , "cl" | |
cl_pitchspeed | 225 | , "cl" | |
cl_pitchup | 89 | , "cl" | |
cl_precacheinfo | cmd | Show precache info (client). | |
cl_pred_optimize | 2 | , "cl" | Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1), and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2). |
cl_predict | 1 | , "user", "cl" | Perform client side prediction. |
cl_predictionlist | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | Show which entities are predicting |
cl_predictweapons | 1 | , "user", "cl" | Perform client side prediction of weapon effects. |
cl_pushaway_force | 200000 | , "rep", "cl" | How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance). |
cl_pushaway_max_force | 10000 | , "rep", "cl" | Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects. |
cl_radaralpha | 200 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_radartype | 0 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_ragdoll_collide | 0 | , "cl" | |
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable | 1 | , "cl" | Enable/disable ragdoll physics. |
cl_rate | 10000 | Max bytes/sec the host can send data | |
cl_removedecals | cmd | Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair. | |
cl_resend | 6 | Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt | |
cl_righthand | 1 | , "a", "cl" | Use right-handed view models. |
cl_scalecrosshair | 1 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_SetupAllBones | 0 | , "cl" | |
cl_show_bloodspray | 1 | , "cl" | |
cl_show_splashes | 1 | , "cl" | |
cl_showanimstate | -1 | , "cheat", "cl" | Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none). |
cl_showanimstate_log | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | 1 to output cl_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both. |
cl_showents | cmd | Dump entity list to console. | |
cl_showerror | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas. |
cl_showevents | 0 | , "cheat" | Print event firing info in the console |
cl_showfps | 0 | , "cl" | Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps) |
cl_showpos | 0 | , "cl" | Draw current position at top of screen |
cl_ShowSunVectors | 0 | , "cl" | |
cl_showtextmsg | 1 | , "cl" | Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen. |
cl_sidespeed | 400 | , "cl" | |
cl_slist | 10 | Number of seconds to wait for server ping responses when checking for server on your lan | |
cl_smooth | 1 | , "cl" | Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors |
cl_smoothtime | 0 | , "cl" | Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds |
cl_soundemitter_flush | cmd | Flushes the sounds.txt system (client only) | |
cl_soundfile | 0 | , "a" | Jingle sound file. |
cl_soundscape_flush | cmd | Flushes the client side soundscapes | |
cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo | cmd | print soundscapes | |
cl_sun_decay_rate | 0 | , "cheat", "cl" | |
cl_team | 0 | , "a", "user", "cl" | Default team when joining a game |
cl_timeout | 30 | , "a" | After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself |
cl_updaterate | 20 | , "a", "user" | Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server |
cl_upspeed | 320 | , "a", "cl" | |
cl_view | cmd | Set the view entity index. | |
cl_winddir | 0 | , "cl" | Weather effects wind direction angle |
cl_windspeed | 0 | , "cl" | Weather effects wind speed scalar |
cl_yawspeed | 210 | , "cl" | |
clear | cmd | Clear all console output. | |
clear_debug_overlays | cmd | clears debug overlays | |
clientport | 27005 | Host game client port | |
closecaption | 0 | , "a", "user", "cl" | Enable close captioning. |
cmd | cmd | Forward command to server. | |
collision_shake_amp | 0 | , "sv" | |
collision_shake_freq | 0 | , "sv" | |
collision_shake_time | 0 | , "sv" | |
con_drawnotify | 1 | Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots). | |
con_enable | 1 | , "a" | Allows the console to be activated. |
con_notifytime | 8 | How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window | |
con_nprint_bgalpha | 50 | Con_NPrint background alpha. | |
con_nprint_bgborder | 5 | Con_NPrint border size. | |
con_trace | 0 | Print console text to low level printout. | |
connect | cmd | Connect to specified server. | |
contimes | 8 | Number of console lines to overlay for debugging. | |
coop | 0 | , "nf" | Cooperative play. |
CreateHairball | cmd | ||
CreatePredictionError | cmd | Create a prediction error | |
creditsdone | cmd | ||
crosshair | 1 | , "a", "cl" | |
cs_disko | 0 | , "cl" | |
cs_ShowStateTransitions | -2 | , "sv", "cheat" | cs_ShowStateTransitions |
cs_stacking_num_levels | 1 | , "sv", "rep" | How many players can stack on top of another player. |
cvarlist | cmd | Show the list of convars/concommands. |